Monday, March 28, 2011

New blog!

I decided to challenge myself and make a sketch blog. My goal will be one sketch per day. Seems a bit ambitious for a brand new mom who has no idea what she's doing, but oh well.

I've been drawing ever since I can remember, although I always suspected I would never become a Disney animator, professional comic book illustrator, or video game concept artist like most chronic sketchers tend to dream about. Instead, I got a degree in biology, my other love. I spent almost two years working at a zoo after college graduation teaching children, handling animals, and raising awareness about conservation issues. Drawing seemed a hobby that would never turn into a profitable use of my time. My pseudo-talent would always remain that: untrained, unfulfilled, unnecessary.

So why sketch at all? I think the answer is, and always will be, "Just for fun." Developing any potential within will simply be for my own amusement. Nevertheless, I am not closed to opportunity and will always, albeit naively, look for work "on the side" to provide supplemental income for our little family.

This blog will mostly be for myself, though feedback is very welcome and highly appreciated.


  1. FINALLY mamacita! It's time to start creating again. You know you come from an artistic family. I was drawing and painting since I was a little girl too! Congratulations on your new blog, and keep creating! art is a gift to our souls, and expressing it, keeps us happy and complete. YOu have the gift! don't ever get discouraged. love you eternally: mama

  2. Felicidades en tu nuevo blog mamacita. Tu sabes que traes el arte en los genes, pues vienes de una familia de artistas. Yo dibujaba y pintaba desde que era pequenita tambien, era mi pasion. Despues lo deje porque me fui a la univesidad, me case, tuve hijos, etc. pero retome mi arte hace unos tres anios y me siento muy feliz creando. Estoy muy orgullosa de ti mi nina y de todos tus logros. te amo eternamente: mama

  3. haha- i love the "not a diaper/coupon blog" comment. soo funny. but seriously, they are everywhere. i looked at some of your sketches- you are pretty good! can't wait to see more!
